Saturday, December 19, 2009

Normal is boring!!!

Each day I get up and pray,
God! today should be different; different from yesterday,
Imagine how boring would it be,
If between yesterday,today and tomorrow we have nothing new to see...

Change is good and change is bad,
Change can make you happy and sometimes sad,
So enjoy life as it comes and take it each day,
Trust me fellows, I wouldnt have it any other way...

Each day is new and beautiful in its own way,
With something new to do, someone new to "woo",
Some new experience to be had, some real good advice from your dad,
Some new colour on your hair, someone new to sit on your favorite chair,
Someone new to pat your back and rekindle the fire, some new nail to burst your tyre,
Someone new to fight for you, someone old to start a new fight with you,
Someone new to wish you "all the best", someone new to top the test,
Someone new to be old, someone old to be new...

Life can be beautiful if you stop asking "why"?,
Normal can be very very boring, trust me it ain't a lie!!