Thursday, December 31, 2009

Fly High!!!

I was born to fly,
Trust me fella's, it ain't a lie,
Years just quietly kept passing me by,
I could have flown, but never dared a try!

In school, my teachers clipped my wings,
Exams, tests, this, that held my legs like those one ton rings,
Ah c'mon! How could I blame such things?,
Your heart and mind need to fly, be free, before your wings!

I kept saying 'I wish I could ..' all my life,
While the greats realized their wishes with all their might,
Surely there must be something hidden in me too,
I need to find it, need to find that light, and make it true!

Nobody stopped me from flying, nobody said No!,
It's all within you mate, you just have to let go,
Leave your inhibitions behind, follow your passion, just fly,
Trust me, even god will give you full marks, even if you fail, but if you try!

I will fly from today and fly really high,
Fly over the mountains, seas, well into the sky,
Fly for a cause, fly for a passion, fly for a dream,
Because life is too beautiful and too short to be just 'thinking' about your dream :)
Just Fly!!!